4 ways to wear a red jacket

The red jacket is a bold and sparkling piece that can be difficult to pair with our everyday outfits.

But by combining neutral, subtle and harmonious colors, it becomes a must-have garment and can complete your style in a unique way. Check out our selection of combinations to inspire you to wear the red jacket at La Jaquette!

With classic jeans and a white shirt/sweater

Easy look to wear to work or to the evening.


With black pants 

Either black slim jeans or dress pants, we love the black / red association.

You can mix it with a more sporty top/sweater to have a stylish and casual look!


With a dress, or a black or white skirt 

You will be sublime!



With the colors

For a more daring look you can play with contrasting colors: pink, fuchsia, blue, green! Dare to use color! You'll see, it will do you good!

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